Keep talking faith, Kathi!

Notes about the Word  – Part 2

My faith has strengthened through reading God’s Word- the Bible. His Word has become very close to me – in my mouth – in my heart. For that reason, I have centered my blog – this journal in which I share some things God is teaching me – on a passage from Romans 10:

“The righteousness that is by faith says, ‘The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart; that is the word of faith!’ . . .”

In this passage, Paul is explaining how Moses, in the Old Testament, described righteousness that came from the law (I wrote about that in my last posting.) Now, in the New Testament, Paul tells us that righteousness comes by faith in Jesus. He calls it “the word of faith.” And “faith comes from hearing the message . . . through the word of Christ.” The more I read God’s Word, the Bible, the greater my faith becomes. It is near me – in my mouth and in my heart.

Today, as I have my devotion (a bit of time speaking to and listening to God), I speak that Word:

 “Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Psalm 141:3)

“Above all else, I guard my heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Even as I write this, I am interrupted by the phone – I am reminded of troubles – fear comes to me – I feel anxiety creeping into my heart – I speak words of doubt. Then I remember today’s devotion I have just read from Pursuit of His Presence. Gloria writes: “Did you know that the devil can’t do anything to you if you won’t give him any place? That’s right. If you won’t speak words of doubt and unbelief, but instead speak words of faith, he can’t sustain his attack . . . keep talking faith . . .”

“The word is near me; that word of faith is in my mouth and in my heart.”

These days, I must constantly remember to keep talking faith!