Take it personal – His purpose.

I’ve been pondering God’s purpose, of which I wrote in the last post. (Click here to read, “It Is Not Coincidental.”) Actually, I’ve been pondering this concept of God’s purpose for quite a few years. 

It seems that for much of my life, I may have feared my Abba Father with a fear that was not scriptural, believing that His purpose for me was to suffer the consequences of every sin – every wrong decision – every foolish move I made.

I was guilt-ridden, feeling like I could never be good – or righteous. (Little did I realize what true righteousness was! More about that later.) During those years, I thought God would judge me and dish out punishments according to my poor choices.

What I’m leading to here in this piece of writing is that when I began to truly delve into God’s Word, reading it, rejoicing in it, realizing its truths, and quietly listening to His whisper, I began to  learn that His purpose for me is good. Good. Do you hear that? “How much more” the Father loves me than I love my children! And I would NEVER punish my children in an unjust manner when they can learn necessary lessons through my love, instead. “How much more” (Luke 11) the Father wants to give good things to me. Yes, me. Kathi. The mixed-up, messed-up woman. Once these truths became real to me – once I truly believed His Word – once I realized how much the Father truly loves me and my children and my grandchildren, I began to realize His purpose. It is for good. Good. Yes, in the every day, the good days, and the bad days, I listened. I grew to trust Him in good and the bad days, and was strengthened in His Word throughout, but I even grew more in the “midst of trouble.” 

 “Though you walk in the midst of trouble. . .” 

“My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. . . I summon a bird . . . or a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about. What I have planned, that will I do. It is my purpose that prevails. My word goes out and achieves the purpose for which I sent it. Though you walk in the midst of trouble, I will preserve your life; I will save you; I will fulfill my purpose for you.” (Is.46)

Perhaps you have been walking in the “midst of trouble.” 

He says He will “fulfill” his “purpose” for us. What is His purpose for me? For you? He tells us that His Word has gone forth, and It will accomplish what He desires – It will achieve the purpose for which He has sent it. (Is. 55) Are you listening to that Word? I am. After years of fearing God in an unscriptural context, how reassuring it became to trust God completely. How wonderful to now know Him as my Abba Father and to know that His purpose for me is good!

In Reflection,


I wrote a post once about God using a “bird” to fulfill His purpose for me. Click here to read it!

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10 Replies to “Take it personal – His purpose.”

  1. Dear Kathi, what a wonderful message this was! Plain Truth and nothing but The Truth that the enemy tries to keep us blinded to. Thank you for your sharing this. Mary Horton

  2. Thank you for this post. I can truly identify with the thoughts you have expressed so beautifully. Janet Wendorf

  3. So very grateful for our Heavenly Father who consistently, and correctly loves me.

  4. Lovely! Did you perform that music, too? Well you did or not, it’s a very nice accompaniment to your post! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Kristy. Although I am a pianist, I did not record the background music. The present selection is composed and recorded by David Nevue. I love his music. I also use others. I’m so pleased you were able to listen. I suspect it may be muted on some devices unless the listener “unmutes” it.

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