Praising, Like Mary – Advent Awaits

Years ago, I had written those words in my Bible, alongside “Mary’s Song,” verses 46-55 in Luke, Chapter One:

Make praising God your second nature. 

Now, in this Advent season, the words remind me that Mary was a young woman who praised God! In fact, it seemed “second nature” to her!

The angel Gabriel, sent from God, had recently visited Mary, bringing a specific message, informing her that although she was a virgin, she would give birth to a son, the “Son of the Most High.”  Gabriel also told her that even her relative, Elizabeth, though old, would give birth, as well, leading to  the last words he said,  as we are told in Luke, Chapter One: “For nothing is impossible with God.” 

Nothing is impossible with God.

 I’ve trusted in those words in the past, and I’m trusting in those very words right now, as I write this article.

 Nothing is impossible with God.

So Mary, the young woman with child, visits Elizabeth, the old woman with child. Click here to read Elizabeth’s story, “Waiting, Like Elizabeth.” It’s a sweet meeting. Read about it in Luke 1:39-45. Some of the sweetest words of that meeting are Elizabeth’s to Mary:

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!

Mary believed. She is blessed. And we are blessed, as well, when we believe the Word of the Lord.

Immediately, Mary praises God. And this is where I must ask myself if I, too, make praising God my “second nature.” So very natural that the praise just simply flows from my mouth.

Make praising God your second nature.

It came natural for Mary to praise God. Does it come natural to you? 

Mary models praise: 

My soul glorifies the Lord . . my spirit rejoices . . . the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name. His mercy extends . . . He has performed mighty deeds  . . . lifted the humble . . . filled the hungry . . . helped Israel . . . merciful to Abraham and to his descendants . . . 

All of Mary’s praise should be our praise, as well! As believers, we have been made partakers of the promises to Abraham – to Israel. We have been grafted in. There is SO much for which to praise our God. 

~ We can praise Him because He looks upon us with favor.

Elizabeth speaks of this favor. After a lifetime of waiting, she now carries a child! She said, “The Lord has done this for me. In these days  He has shown me His favor and has taken away my disgrace among the people.” Just as God had taken away Elizabeth’s disgrace, when I trusted Jesus Christ as Savior, He took away all my disgrace (vs. 25). I praise Him for the favor He shows me.

~ We can praise Him because He is the Mighty One.

Mary speaks of God as the Mighty One. She rejoices in Him. She knows the Scripture and speaks the Scipture. She undoubtedly knows of His might.  

Recently, I reviewed Zephaniah 3:17:

The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.

He’s the Mighty Warrior, fighting my battles. He delights in me! His love is so great, it quiets me – calms me. Not only do I rejoice in Him – but He rejoices over me, with singing. What love! The praise flows from my lips! I hope it is “second nature” to me!

This Advent season, I am reminded that “Nothing is impossible” with our Great God, as the angel told the mother of our Lord. (verse 38)  And I am reminded that I am blessed to believe! (verse 45)

Look for the next post in this Advent series.

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