When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers
When Kathi Waligora faced the worst day of her life, she didn’t know that many more days would crash down on her in the weeks that followed. She cried out to God as her life roared; in reply, the gentle whisper of Jesus gave her peace, comfort, and hope to continue forward.
You’ll connect to Kathi within each chapter of When Life Roars Jesus Whispers, finding God’s Whispers of Truth, Grace, Faith, Mercy, Comfort, Hope, and Promise. Then you’ll apply these whispers to your own life through personal introspection at the end of each chapter.
When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers
Revised Edition
5.5″ x 8.5″ 258 pp.
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$15.99 plus shipping cost $3.75
An excerpt from: When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers:
“We stepped through the steel doors of the jail. I couldn’t imagine my daughter in this place . . . No façade remained of the candy-coated lives we had lived for so many years, and I doubted that any façade would ever cover us again. We, too, were a ‘rough group of broken people’ ~ just the kind of people Jesus loves . . . and through the toughest times, we discovered favor of God as if we had always fully recognized it.”
Recent Reviews:
“A powerful story that encourages our confidence in Christ when our own stories go off the rails.”
Bill Crowder, Bible Teacher and Author
“This book was hard to put down. It is a book of loss, despair, HOPE and whispers. It gave me strength. It gave me chills and even tears. In the end, it left me with HOPE.”
“I read the book in one day! When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers is a wonderfully written book filled with heart-wrenching events, heart-warming love and heart-lifting promises of hope!”
” . . . powerful, poignant . . .”
“This is an amazing book that I could not put down! Kathi, thank you for your courage and candor as you shared your heartbreak, struggles, and victory in the light of God’s Word!”
“Very touching story! I cried and I rejoiced! This is a story that can encourage and give hope!”
“I have to say that When Life Roars Jesus Whispers by Kathi Waligora is the best I have read . . . easy to read and love the devotions at the end of each chapter. Each chapter brought [me] back to the promises of God . . . very helpful , encouraging, and God centered. Thank you Kathi for opening your heart to the world and pointing us back to what matters – that Jesus understands and is with us throughout everything.”

Shh! Listen to His Whispers!
Shh! Listen to His Whispers! is the new Bible Study that complements When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers but stands alone as an individual or group six-week study. In this Bible Study, you’ll learn how Kathi began to listen to the whispers in God’s Word, and how you can hear those whispers, as well. Learn where the storms of life come from and where you can seek shelter. In your individual study – or together with others – you’ll learn to recognize storm warnings and discover how to speak life for yourself, your friends, your families who stand in the paths of these storms.
You’ll love this sturdy, beautifully-covered book with heavy pages – perfect to write upon.
Shh! Listen to His Whispers!
8.5″ X 11″
71 pages
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$10.99 plus shipping cost $3.00
Recent Reviews:
“This Bible Study enriched my life!”
“Kathi, You have an amazing gift . . . helping people to listen for God’s whispers.”
“This study made me realize my hope in all circumstances.”
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Each summer when I was young, I attended Vacation Bible School at the little country church around the corner from our big yellow house. There, I was encouraged to memorize Bible verses – perhaps the one “key” verse each day, which was the root of our daily lesson. But in addition, I strove for the extra points and prizes that were offered to those children who memorized more verses. Each verse was worth one point, and, the more verses I learned, the better chance I had to win a plaque – or a Bible – or a Jacks game – or even a fishing pole! With that goal and purpose in mind, I memorized chapters throughout that week each summer. Little did I know that from those days forward, those verses would rise from deep in the hidden storage places of my memories, in the form of whispers, the Lord speaking the very Words He had dictated to the writers of the Scriptures, in turn becoming His personal messages to me.
Now I read the Bible – His Word – Jesus whispers are always fresh and new, consistently pertinent to my needs, constantly stirring my soul, and faithfully leading me. The Psalms often become my prayer to Him, and He whispers them right back to me. The New Covenant speaks to me of the hope and promise I have in Him – all because of Jesus. He knows me. He loves me. He calls me by name. He communes with me.
When trials and storms come into my life, His Word – those whispers – meet my deepest needs. I know His Word is spoken for me. And it speaks of truth, grace, faith, mercy, comfort, hope, and promise. In When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers, I break down the façade, which had covered me and had kept me from truly listening for many years. And in the Bible Study, Shh! Listen to His Whispers!, you’ll discover how I learned to listen to His whispers in the most tumultuous times of my life and how you can hear them, as well. I’ll teach you where these storms come from and where you can seek shelter. Together, we’ll learn to recognize storm warnings, and we’ll discover how to speak life for ourselves, our friends, and our families standing in the paths of those storms. The summer Vacation Bible School days ended years ago, but I have since discovered the greatest goal and purpose, the real prize – communion with the one who loves me the most, my Heavenly Father. And most often it’s found when I quiet myself and truly listen.
He’s your Heavenly Father too. He knows you. He loves you. He calls you by name. And He wants to commune with you. That’s why He sent Jesus. Don’t face your storms alone. Join me. With God’s help, we’ll face these storms together.
Since so many people like to read / study the two books together, I’m offering a Bundle package. ($27 value.)
Bundle 2 books – $24 plus shipping cost $5.75
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