…the joy is in having Him so near!

Wow! In our brief study of Romans 5: 1-5, I was overwhelmed by what God taught me through His Word and my study partners. How can we rejoice in suffering? I’ve gleaned from these honest ladies, and I’d like to share it with you:

Amy commented, “It really is JOY. Is it the happy, skipping, life is wonderful, kind of joy? NO. But.. It is the incredible joy of having that intimate, deep, dependence on, and relationship with HIM. When nothing makes sense . . .  when all is dark . . . when all seems lost . . . that’s when His light of peace and JOY penetrate your soul. Yes indeed, there is joy in suffering. The wonderful, incredible joy of holding hands, and being held by our Great, Loving, Compassionate Father.”

So the joy isn’t in suffering – the joy is in having Him so near.

Deb openly confessed from the depths of her heart, “I’m not rejoicing in my sufferings – I’m still waiting to rejoice.”

Why is it worth the wait? Why is it worth the suffering? Because of the end result.

Our passage shows the steps it takes: suffering > perseverance > character > hope.

The end result is hope!

Please read Deb and Amy’s comments in full – see the Bible Study posting, “Rejoice in Suffering? How?”

And  look for our next brief, online Bible Study soon. “The Word is near you. It’s in your mouth and in your heart.” (Romans 10)