…the joy is in having Him so near!

Wow! In our brief study of Romans 5: 1-5, I was overwhelmed by what God taught me through His Word and my study partners. How can we rejoice in suffering? I’ve gleaned from these honest ladies, and I’d like to share it with you:

Amy commented, “It really is JOY. Is it the happy, skipping, life is wonderful, kind of joy? NO. But.. It is the incredible joy of having that intimate, deep, dependence on, and relationship with HIM. When nothing makes sense . . .  when all is dark . . . when all seems lost . . . that’s when His light of peace and JOY penetrate your soul. Yes indeed, there is joy in suffering. The wonderful, incredible joy of holding hands, and being held by our Great, Loving, Compassionate Father.”

So the joy isn’t in suffering – the joy is in having Him so near.

Deb openly confessed from the depths of her heart, “I’m not rejoicing in my sufferings – I’m still waiting to rejoice.”

Why is it worth the wait? Why is it worth the suffering? Because of the end result.

Our passage shows the steps it takes: suffering > perseverance > character > hope.

The end result is hope!

Please read Deb and Amy’s comments in full – see the Bible Study posting, “Rejoice in Suffering? How?”

And  look for our next brief, online Bible Study soon. “The Word is near you. It’s in your mouth and in your heart.” (Romans 10)


You did for me.

The courtroom was full of family and friends–our supporters.
Glenna spoke encouragement.
Jen spoke comfort.
Larry supported my arm as I walked to the car.
Someone prayed.


Coffee and a long talk with best friends.

Bible study ladies caring, holding, praying.


We were the least. We were broken.

We were thirsty.


You received us. You gave us drink.

You were His hands–His feet.

Someone continues to pray.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Jesus. (Matthew 25:40)

And you did for us.

Further Reading: Matthew 10:40-42

More to come on what I must now do.

(Be sure to read my previous post, “God Is Using You.”)

Pick up Those Jars of Clay!

Christmas Blog journal posting

 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  

2 Corinthians 4:7

Just imagine it! Imagine those clay jars, which have been placed around you, on the shelf, on the floor, on the table–placed there–for us–for you and for me! They’re free. And they’re filled with treasures.



I pick up one jar. It’s heavy. I’m hesitant. I’ve heard that the treasures are magnificent, but I’m still hesitant. I lift it and slowly begin to pour the content out! I pour it only on my feet. I’m hurting–it heals me. I’m grieving–it consoles me.

I become a bit more trusting, so I begin to pour it on my legs and arms.

I’m praising–it enables me.

I’m homesick–it comforts me.

~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

The clay jar is still filled to the brim! But it’s not as heavy now! I lift it up, over my head.  I pour it out.

I’m famished–it fills me.

I’m thankful –it blesses me.

~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

I don’t want it to end. I’m anxious–it fills me with peace. I’m suffering–it fills me with hope. The content–the treasure–saturates me!

And it never ends.

It never runs out.

~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

Today, pick up that jar of clay–pour out the treasure–saturate yourself with it–let it fill your mouth and penetrate your heart:

“. . . that is, the word of faith (I) am proclaiming”

Read about it in Romans 10:9-13.

Rejoice in our sufferings? How?

Through him we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings (Romans 5:2-3b)


If you are suffering, for whatever reason, you might join me in wondering

how in the world

can I


rejoice in my suffering.

In fact, it might even make you cry to think about it. Because when suffering, crying comes


and often

to some of us.

(Crying is coming easily and often to me right now!)

This week, let’s read Romans 5:1-5. Then, in your comments to this short Bible study, discuss the word, “rejoice.” What does it mean?

Use your concordance to find other verses or passages that include the word “rejoice” or  “joy.” In doing so, narrow your findings to those verses or passages that might help explain the connection found in rejoicing and suffering. In other words, what does the Bible tell us about rejoicing (or joy) and suffering?

Please share your findings and ideas – then come back to comment on others.

Today is Friday, November 23. Let’s share and comment throughout the next week; then look for a new posting on this continuing study of Romans 5:1-5 on or about Friday, November 30.

I look forward to reading your comments, verses, passages, and ideas.

ps. When you make your comment (below), be sure to check the box or boxes to be notified when others comment on this same study. It’s all a good part of the study!

Thankful for a Future Hope!

“There is surely a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off”
Proverbs 23:18

Thanksgiving! Turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie! Sounds wonderful! Our family usually gathers around the table, and before asking the blessing, one by one, we tell what we are thankful for. But this year was different. We didn’t gather. One family went to Decker, Michigan ; one family went to Richland, Michigan; and one family was separated by . . . well, if you have been reading my posts, you already know.

So on this Thanksgiving, Ron and I didn’t feel like sitting around the table.

But we are still thankful!

We are thankful that our children and their spouses love and honor God.

We are thankful for our nine grandchildren and for the two baby boys on the way.

We are thankful that God continues to be our refuge through our most difficult year ever.

We are thankful that we have hope and a future.

And we are thankful that next year we will once again sit around the table, and before asking the blessing, will all tell what we are thankful for.

Further Reading: Jeremiah 29: 10-14

We have this treasure . . .

And  God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts . . .

2 Corinthians 4: 6

Friends, Tuesday morning, after a heartbreaking Monday, after telling our grandchildren that Mommy and Daddy were in jail, and after a miserable night, I opened my Bible to Joshua 5:14b, to ask the Lord the question I have been trying to remember to ask  him every day, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” (Me!) Was I expecting something new? Something dramatic? Something unusual? As I flipped through the pages of my Bible, my eyes fell upon highlighted passages, post-it notes, and ink writings, smeared by time and wear. I read His promises–the same promises I’d been given in His Word before Monday’s sentencing–were true for me on Tuesday. The same God who loved me (and Ron and Amber and Jesse and . . .) before Monday’s sentencing loved me on Tuesday. And loves me today. And will love me tomorrow . . . and . . .

Do you see?

He doesn’t change.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Ron and I are heartbroken. But He is here with us.

Amber is hurting and lonely. But he is there with her.

Jesse is humiliated and broken. But he is there with him.

He will never leave us or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5

You see, we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God . . . We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. Why? Because we always carry around . . . Jesus!

 2 Corintians 4: 7-9

So, grab your jars of clay and go fill them with His treasures.

More to come . . .


Heartache is . . .

Heartache  is hearing the sentence: One year in jail.

Heartache is watching your daughter suffer over the reading of his sentence.

Heartache is knowing that the children won’t see their daddy for one year.

Heartache is hearing her sentence: Ninety days in jail.

Heartache is knowing that the children won’t see their mommy for three months.

Heartache is seeing your beautiful daughter handcuffed and taken off to jail.

Heartache is not being able to hug her.

Heartache is knowing her dreams are on hold.

Heartache is carrying her cute green purse home to set in my closet.

Heartache is telling your grandchildren that their mom and dad were sent to jail.

Heartache is answering your grandchildren when they ask if  Mom and Dad will be with them for Christmas: “No, honey.”

“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10.

Tonight I want to rest in His unfailing love and allow His compassion to envelop me.




Tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you!

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.'” (Joshua 3:5).

The nation of Israel was ready to cross the Jordan River, but the day before they were to do so, their leader, Joshua, told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.'” (Joshua 3:5). This wouldn’t be a crossing like we know today. No bridge. No pontoons. No ferry boats. Instead, the Lord commanded Joshua to instruct the priests who carried the ark of the Lord, known as the Ark of the Covenant, to set foot in the Jordan River, at which time, the waters would quit flowing. And they did. Both the priests and the waters. Everyone and creation itself obeyed the Lord. The priests actually stood firm on dry ground – right in the middle of the Jordan–while the whole nation of Israel crossed – on dry ground! It was amazing! Can you imagine?

Consecration. The word literally means to associate with the sacred. awesome! humbling! I want to be associated with the sacred.

It was just a month ago that I was ready to do something I knew I shouldn’t do – something that would not be in obedience to God. Something that would not associate me with the sacred.

“. . .be separate” said the Lord (2 Cor. 6:17). And it was those words, God’s Words,  that kept me desirous of consecration. I want to be sacred. His Word tells me that I am God’s temple, and God’s temple is sacred.

So, today, I am praying to be consecrated before you, Lord.  I come out today and separate myself from the world so that You may receive me. (2 Cor. 6:17) I want to be consecrated,

and I want You, Lord, to do amazing things tomorrow!


God Is Using You

“I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4

If you’ve followed my postings, you know that this is a trying time for me. Waiting. Wondering. Praying. Fearing. Trusting. Crying. Praising. I wait for Monday. And as I wait, God uses you to comfort and wait with me. To pray, to fear, to trust, to cry, and to praise with me. God is using you.

It started with a facebook message, a “Like,” an I’m praying for you. Then a phone call. A message from Pastor. A blog comment and an offer of prayer. An email from a student–I’m praying that God will strengthen you. It continues with a note from a sweet cousin—Praying for Monday—and a hand-painted poppy from a dear friend. It ends with –well, it doesn’t end . . .

It doesn’t end because God says that His purpose will stand. He summons a bird, or a man (or a woman!) to fulfill his purpose. And He has summoned you for His purpose of comforting me. And you have answered Him.

It’s all a part of His plan – for you – for me– for Monday.

And aren’t you glad that He makes the plans?

“I am God,” He says. “And there is no other; I make known the end from the beginning . . . I say: My purpose will stand . . . I summon a bird . . . from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted, you who are far from righteousness. I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendor to Israel” (Isaiah 46: 9-13)

Salvation and His splendor to Kathi and to her facebook friend. To her Pastor and to her sweet cousin. And to her blog follower and to . . . .

God is using you. And because He is, peace fills me now. If only for today, it is refreshing.

I Dig Deep

“Summon your power, O God;
show us your strength, O God,
as you have done before. . . Rebuke the beast.”
Psalm 68: 28, 30
Bad news is frightening. The enemy tries to make me forget the Lord’s faithfulness to me in the past and His promises of faithfulness in the present. Bad news pierces like a knife into my stomach. The enemy twists and turns the knife. I’m suddenly nauseous. Discouraged. The outlook is uncertain.  Depressing. Fears enter my tired, worn mind.
I dig deep into my heart. Dig deep to remember my heritage–to remember the heritage of my family–the heritage that belongs to my children. I dig deep and I find the Word – the Word, which is near me. It is in my heart. It was placed there when the righteousness came by faith.
“‘The Word is near you.; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is the word of faith we are proclaiming.”
Romans 10:8
And once again, I know the strength He gives – the strength not to fear. I remember the strength He has given me before, I remember His faithfulness, and I remember His promise of my heritage and that of my children:
 “All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children’s peace.
In righteousness you will be established. Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear.
Terror will be far removed;
it will not come near you.
If anyone does attack you,
it will not be my doing;
whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
See it is I who created the blacksmith . . . who . . . forges a weapon. . .
And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc;
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD.”
Isaiah 54: 13-17
The Word reminds me that because my children have been established in righteousness, they will not experience tyranny and terror, nor will I. The attack is not from God; in fact, any who attacks will have to surrender to us. God created the one who forges the weapon. Their weapons will not prevail. Only what God wants will prevail. There is peace in His Word – in His promises. I am desperate for Him at this time. And as I have done a thousand times before, I pray His Word, trusting Him to complete it:
“Summon your power, O God;
show us your strength, O God,
as you have done before. . . Rebuke the beast.”