But God . . .

Sometimes you just can’t do anything other than to pray and wait.

Things just haven’t felt right. Praying doesn’t come as easy. Peace isn’t immediate, especially in the dark of night. 

It may be due to isolation. To deaths – more than usual – of friends and acquaintances. To serious illness of close ones.  It’s always concern for my Luke. It may be hearing, “I miss you, Nana,” from a thousand miles away. 

Whatever the reason, things just haven’t felt right. 

But God . . .

One author writes that to understand those two words is to understand the gospel. “But God” appears hundreds of times in the Bible. The phrase always represents God’s intervention, His salvation, His mercy, His grace.

But God . . .

My relationship with Him does not depend upon how I feel, how many prayers I say or how often. I needn’t carry guilt when “things just don’t seem right.” What matters to my Father is where I dwell. With Him. In His shelter – His secret place. It matters that I lean in to Him, in His shadow. That I praise in prayer and that I listen.

And sometimes, like today, the peace comes, the words come, the comfort is given, in the quiet breeze of His secret place.

Further reading: Psalm 91:1,2; 1 Corinthians 2: 9-11

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