How many beans could a woodchuck eat if a woodchuck could eat beans?
Here’s the answer to that age-old question (well, to a similar age-old question!):
This many:

Yes, this was the amount of green beans I was expecting on July 2 – the date of harvest given on the packages.
But this is the amount I picked on July 2:
This was not my plan!
Let me tell you about my plan:
The garden soil was beautifully worked.
I had planted the perfect organic green beans – 15 packets in all
Oh my goodness! The garden looked beautiful! We had perfect weather – just the right amount of rains throughout the late spring and early summer. Ron had fertilized the rows with organic fertilizer. I prepared for an abundant harvest, taking my pressure cooker from storage, sterilizing canning jars.
You see, I had made plans.
I had accumulated hundreds of canning jars. In the past, I easily canned 60 or more jars of green beans, so this year, I planted far more – the entire garden, in fact. I looked forward to giving many jars to my family, hoping to bless them in this “high cost of living” we all must endure.
The sun shone! The rains watered the soil! I rototilled and weeded. I counted the days and went out to the garden regularly, seeing the blossoms burst and tiny beans appear! Everything was perfect! Until . . .
. . . the woodchucks!
We’ve lived on this property for over 40 years and have had gardens most of those years. We’ve had deer in the garden – and rabbits in the garden. But we’ve never had woodchucks stripping the plants until this year. We’ve seen dozens on and around the property. At least one is presently benefitting from my beautiful organic green bean plants.
So how many beans could a woodchuck eat if a woodchuck could eat beans?
All of them – at least a harvest full!
As disappointing as it is, I have to laugh – at myself!
The Bible, especially the Proverbs, reminds me that although I make many plans, those plans may not turn out the way I want. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know the Lord wants to bless; nonetheless, we live in a broken world – one in which we strive and work, but have to fight against things that come against us.
Someday, I’ll be planting those green beans in a perfect garden. I won’t need to pull the weeds or fertilize or rototill. The woodchucks will eat from other plants growing naturally – just for them. But until then, I’ve learned “how many beans a woodchuck could eat” and I’ll alter my plans accordingly!
Today, I will put my pressure cooker and canning jars back in storage!
Please follow my postings on Facebook as Ron and I venture the Southwest in our “cute little travel trailer.”
Well, that’s my “plan,” anyway!
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