Like the woman of Samaria

He “needed” to go through Samaria. He could have gone around Samaria – out of the way, like others did, to avoid the dirty, barren route in the middle of a dry, hot day. But he went through Samaria – seeking the woman, the lost woman.

He met her at the well, in the heat of the midday No one came in the middle of the day, but she did – purposely, to avoid the others – all the others – those who knew of her past and those who knew of her present. Day after day she came, rejected by the people, ashamed and alone, with a thirst that was never quenched.

“If you only knew,” He said. “You could ask for living water.”

What is living water? She wondered.

He knew everything about her.

She knew only that the Christ would be coming.

He said, “I AM!”

She ran to tell everyone about Him – the Christ.

And many believed – because of her testimony.

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Similarly, He sought me one day –  a lost woman.

He met me where I was – alone and broken, rejected and ashamed, dirty and parched.

He knew everything about me, but He loved me anyway.

“Come to me,” He said, “Drink of the living water, and you’ll never thirst. The water I give will become a spring in you, welling up to eternal life.”

And so I drank.

And now I’m running to tell everyone about Him – the Christ.

Like the woman of Samaria.

(See John 4:1-26)

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