Elizabeth and her husband had followed the Lord faithfully through the years. They were upright. Yet their prayers had not been answered. They must have wondered why. They undoubtedly thought that by this time their prayers would never be answered. Why? Because now, Elizabeth was old and barren. Her time of bearing children had passed. Medically, by the “world’s eyes,” childbirth was impossible.
Zechariah “was speechless,” we read. He was literally speechless when he came out of the temple where the angel Gabriel had just told him that He was going to be a father. He and Elizabeth – “barren” Elizabeth – in their old age would have a son.
You’ve heard the story before – particularly near Christmas time, as it is found in the first chapter of St. Luke, in which we continue to read the “Christmas story.” This portion about Elizabeth and Zechariah is not a story lost in time. It is not a story unrelated to me – or to you. This is my story. And I suspect it is yours, as well.
An unanswered prayer. Years of “Why?” Years of crying. Of pleading. Of thinking perhaps it is too late. Of being told by the world that it is impossible – that God doesn’t work that way today – that God has other plans. Of doubts put in your mind unintentionally by others. Of doubts put in your mind intentionally by an enemy who relishes and laughs at your pain and suffering. 

Keep praying, my friend. Ask God to send Gabriel, as He had sent to Zechariah. Know that God loves you. Keep praying, and listen to Jesus whisper.
The angel, Gabriel, was standing at the right side of the altar of incense when he brought this news to Zechariah. Similarly, our prayers are kept in golden bowls of incense before God. They continue to rise up before God. Like praise. Like sacrifice. Our prayers are not lost in translation. They are not misplaced on their way to the throne. They are not ineffective. Instead, they are powerful! Powerful!

As I continue throughout the last eleven years to lift a prayer to the Father, in this season of advent, Jesus Whispers to me, :
“Cry out for the mighty power of God to be displayed, Kathi. Never give up. Ask for the “favor” of the Lord. Ask the Father to send Gabriel.”
Keep praying, my friend. I am. Ask God to send Gabriel. I do. Lift your hands in praise. And listen to Jesus whisper. God loves to do the impossible.
(From Luke 1:5-25; Rev. 5:8, 8:4; Psalm 141:1,2)
Look for the next Advent post, Praising Like Mary.
What a great post, Kathi. Thank you for the encouragement! God bless you and your family
Thank you – and thank you for the blessing. I receive it!