All the more reason to celebrate Advent.


advent – “the coming into place, view, or being”

Things are “coming into place” for the Christmas season.

People are decorating. Shopping. Others are simply “trying.” Wreath on Fence

I join those people – the ones simply “trying.”

 Inner turmoil, trials – unknown and unseen by most, are keeping me from “feeling” Christmas – from “feeling” like decorating – from “feeling” like playing Christmas music.

And I am not alone.

The recently widowed friend writes that she is  “trying to get into the Christmas spirit.  I’m just not there this year.”

Another person says she just can’t get in the mood yet for Christmas. Perhaps if it snows, she adds, hopefully.

Hopefully. Hopefully we’ll get in the mood.

All the more reason to celebrate Advent – to consider the hope.

As a believer, I can first celebrate the hope that is in me – Christ, the hope of glory:

God has chosen to make known [to me] the glorious riches of this mystery – the word of God in its fullness – the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to [us] the saints. This mystery is Christ in me – the hope of glory. (Colossians 1: 26, 27)

Once I begin to contemplate Christ in me, the hope of glory – my hopes  rise! Turmoil, trials, loss, lack of snow! – nothing else takes precedence over the birth of Christ “coming into place.”

Believer, it’s all the more reason to celebrate Advent!

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