Memories renewed by a simple “Honk”

Walking through the house this morning, I heard a car “honk.” I didn’t know if it was on the TV or from a car going by. But it brought back some memories. Perhaps you can relate. 


Increasing Weight.

I wrote the following article a while ago, feeling weighted down by a grandson’s ongoing health problems.  I’m still shouldering that weight – and yet another – the illness of my son. Sometimes the weight of both is so burdensome, I feel I can’t breathe – I can’t sleep. It’s heavy. But let’s read on . . .

It’s one thing. Or another. You know. For you, it’s a certain situation – a health issue, a break in a relationship – whatever.


The Fishing Pole

When I was a little girl, Reverend Robert Lindner held summer Vacation Bible School at our little country church around the corner from our big yellow house. The week before the event, he drove the dusty roads with a megaphone speaker atop his car, announcing the upcoming Bible School, inviting the children as they played in their yards, and creating excitement amongst our farm community!


Dear Mother (in purple crayon)

IMG_2982I almost tossed it away – it looked so insignificant, written with a purple crayon, personalized with my favorite drawings: a tree on the front and a swing set on the back. But evidently it was not insignificant to her,


It’s your heritage!

The gift has been offered.

It’s your heritage!

Have you received it yet?

Some of you have read about 1946 AZ June 23my heritage – the amazing heritage left by my parents, a godly man and a godly woman, who, together,  honored the Lord and prayed for their family – their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren . . .

Perhaps you didn’t have godly parents. You might feel left out.

Well, don’t!


Favor of the Father – It’s Raining upon Me

As an English teacher, I’ve discovered that we all might have different understandings of a word or phrase. We approach that understanding from varied perspectives. “Righteousness” is one of those words,


From a Whisper to a Roar

Today I came across a short journal entry I’d written one morning years ago:

“I slept well last night, which I so needed, as my body has been fighting an illness. I thought I would feel refreshed this morning but instead, I feel discouraged and depressed. Not because of the illness, I’m sure – although one thing does add to another-  but because of a different, ongoing situation very close to me that doesn’t seem to be getting better in spite of days, weeks, and months of prayer.”


Really, Christmas is . . .

Christmas is for kids –

innocently believing in a Santa Claus. Believing that someone cares SO much that he wants to bring you a gift.


A Time to Ponder – Advent Awaits

“Mary kept all these things, treasured the very thought of them, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19 paraphrased)
Because Caesar Augustus had decreed a census, Mary traveled with her espoused Joseph, to be registered in his hometown of Bethlehem. It was undoubtedly a long, arduous journey, the weight of the unborn babe within her.
Shortly after arriving, Mary birthed her baby in less than desirable conditions. A very young woman without a midwife or other women supporting her as was most likely the custom. Alone with Joseph. No family. No personal care.


Let’s Get Shopping!

Need gifts for co-workers? Employees? Friends? When Life Roars, Jesus Whispers and Shh! Listen to His Whispers! are the perfect gift for you to give this Christmas because . . .

They will most likely not be a duplicate to something he/she already has.

Each is the perfect size and price, and  . . .

they may very well be a life-changing.

These last few years have been challenging for all. Certainly within chapters relating to Truth, Grace, Faith, Mercy, Hope, Comfort, and  Promise, each person gifted with either of these books will discover life-changing applications and will draw closer to God. And, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Let me tell you a bit about these publications:
