On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” John 20:19
“. . . the doors locked for fear . . .”
Are you “locked in your room” so to speak “for fear of” talking to others? Fear of letting them know that you are a believer – a follower of Jesus?
What will they say? Will they laugh? Tease? Make fun of you?
How long have you hidden from others? How many times have you locked yourself in, hiding your Bible, your faith, your Jesus?
“Jesus . . . among them . . .”
He is there in that locked room with you, offering you peace.
He suffered for you.
Died for you.
Resurrected for you.
You’ve seen His hands and His side. Isn’t it time you open the locked door, go out, and show Jesus to others?
He’s sending you. And He’ll give you the peace to go. Unlock the door.
Further reading: John 20:19-28