When Life Roars . . .

  When Life Roars Jesus Whispers is a Christian Living book that “encourages our confidence in Christ when our own stories go off the rails,” as Bill Crowder, well-known Bible teacher, writes in his endorsement of the book.

   Your story undoubtedly differs from mine, but we all go through times when we need to hear God’s “Whispers” of truth, grace, faith, mercy, comfort, hope, and promise. I call them “Jesus Whispers,” and I’ve written about them in the chapters of the book, and in the Bible Study, Shh! Listen to His Whispers! which followed within a short time after publication, when I was asked to write and teach a study connected to When Life Roars . . .

Max Lucado once wrote, 

The next time you find yourself alone in a dark alley facing the undeniables of life, don’t cover them with a blanket, or ignore them with a nervous grin. Instead, stand still, whisper His name, and listen. He is nearer than you think.

   I found myself standing still, whispering His name – Jesus – when no words of prayer came to mind.  I began to listen, and yes, I found Him nearer than I had ever known Him to be. He changed my life. I began to see in others the depth of their pain, to which I had not recognized previously. And a deep compassion for others filled my soul. I began to act upon it. I wrote about one such experience in When Life Roars . . . :

“When persons went forward to be sentenced, their family members entered the courtroom – “if” their family members were there. Some had family members. Others had no one. And sadly, none of these persons had the support our family had. A young woman, crying, sat alone at the side of the courtroom. I went over, sat beside her, and put my arm around her, hoping to console her. She told me about her sister who would be arraigned on this day. Her short story was filled with hopelessness: a background of abuse and hate, a story of drugs, a child taken from her mother, no money for bail. I asked if I could pray for her and her sister. She allowed me to. Although I prayed for her sister by name, my prayer was for all women invaded by the enemies of abuse and neglect and deceived by the demons of drugs, for their crying and neglected children entwined in the lost cycle of it all. I had developed a greater empathy and sincere concern for persons in these situations.

“Jesus Christ, we fight under your banner. Lead us.” I continued to pray silently as her sister entered the courtroom.

“The woman’s sister, dressed in orange and white stripes and handcuffed, stood before the judge. The arraignment was stated. The officer led her from the courtroom. The young woman smiled a thank you through her tears as she left the courtroom. I returned to my seat and waited our turn.”

~ An excerpt from When Life Roars Jesus Whispers 

  Have you read When Life Roars  Jesus Whispers? If not, I hope you will order a copy today. And won’t you consider the Bible Study, as well, perhaps teaching it to a group within your church or community, as Linda is presently doing within her community of The Villages in Central Florida?

I’m hoping to hear from you!


Quincy, Michigan / Venice, Florida

p.s. I’d love to speak to your group!

 Click here to learn more and/or to order your copy: kathiwaligora.com/visit-the-bookstore/

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