Want to be blessed?

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence.

Jeremiah 17:7


Jesus carries your burden




Want to be blessed?

Give Him your burdens.





It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, where you’ve been, or how heavy your burdens. It doesn’t matter what you’ve brought upon yourself or others. Jesus wants to carry those burdens.

He died on the cross for those burdens.

He covered all your sin – past, present, and future – on that cross. He wants to take your sin and your burdens away – as far as the east is from the west! He wants to bury them in the deepest sea!

 And He rose from the grave for those burdens.

If you’ll trust Him, He’ll save you and become your hope (everything you’ve anticipated) and your confidence (assurance – not in what you’ve done, but in what He’s done).

It’s a wonderful thing to trust Him and to let Him carry your burdens.

Just say a prayer, something like this: “Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner, and I believe that you died on the cross for my sins. I believe that you rose from the grave. You are my savior!”

Please read Romans 10:8-13

No matter how steep the mountain–the Lord is going to climb it with you. –Helen Steiner Rice

“Lay Down Your Burden; I Will Carry You” Sung by Amy Grant

A blessing and a curse

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:4

God used so many people to comfort me – close friends, family, acquaintances, neighbors, high school friends.  God comforted me so that I can comfort others. I hope to. Comfort others.

My friend is hurting. Her mother passed away. Her mother was her best friend. My friend is an only child. Mother and daughter were as close as seems possible. I wrote her a note of sympathy. In that note, I called her relationship a blessing and a curse. A blessing because of the many wonderful years of memories. A curse because it makes the grief and pain of that loss so much greater.

I used that rhetorical phrase because I have experienced both the blessing and the curse.

The blessing of being so close to my parents, both my mother and my father – the blessing of living close to them, our children back and forth between our homes, often worshipping, working, and vacationing together. The blessing of long life – many years to love and enjoy them – many years of experiencing their love for me.

The curse doesn’t come until the end of the long, blessed life. The curse comes when the suffering begins, and you suffer with the parent, for the parent. The curse comes when he/she passes away and the pain and grief seem unbearable.

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Everyone doesn’t know the curse. I once spoke with a woman whose father had passed away. She said she hadn’t shed a tear! I sat, dumbfounded,  listening to her. I didn’t judge her. I was happy for her that she hadn’t suffered grief – that she hadn’t suffered the curse, but sad for her that she hadn’t experienced the blessing!



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The great hope for the believer is that the curse eventually dies. Because God IS the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, the curse dies, but the blessing remains. And the blessing grows and develops, like a beautiful summer flower, with the expectation and hope of eternal life.

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 The blessing of eternal life – forever  to love and enjoy them – forever of experiencing their love for me.

My friend, I write this for you, today. May you find comfort in the arms of the Father of compassion.

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Study the Word: Psalm 119: 76; Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 46:1

Pray the Word: Oh, God of compassion and of comfort, may your unfailing love be my friend’s comfort today. Strengthen her, help her, uphold her. Be her refuge and strength.

Tomorrow at midnight, . . .

Tomorrow, at midnight, her daddy will be at the back door of the building.

Tomorrow, at midnight, her daddy will pick her up – his precious daughter – his youngest daughter.

She’s coming home – to her new life – free of the addiction, guilt, and darkness of the past.

She’s coming home – to her children – her beautiful children who have weathered the storm and are awaiting the comfort of their mommy’s arms, awaiting the sound of her voice, the coconut fragrance of her hair, and the touch of her fingers stroking the nape of their necks as she sings them to sleep.

—  —  —  —

She’s coming home – to her new home – a big yellow house bathed in love and steeped in tradition and heritage.

—  —  —  —

Her recovery is complete; her debt is paid; her punishment is over.

She will step out and breathe in the cold, crisp, fresh air.

And she’ll thank God for the new life He has given her.

And tomorrow at midnight, I’ll thank God again, as I promised Him last year – and forever and ever – for the new life In Christ He gave my precious daughter – my youngest daughter.


So I ask them, “Daddy. Mama. . .”

I’ve been missing them more lately – my daddy and mama. I’ve been wanting to talk to them. Perhaps it’s following the holidays. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been in their house quite often, sorting, cleaning, and getting it ready for new life!

But I think the true reason I’ve been missing them so much is that I’ve been imagining them holding our newest grandson, little Baby Luke. He’s the first grandbaby born since Daddy and Mama passed away and the only grandbaby they hadn’t yet held, so I picture them holding little Luke.

I see them snuggling him. I see the love in their eyes and hear it in their voices. “Oh, Kristen,” they’d say. “He’s just perfect. Why, Josh, he looks just like you!” Tears of joy fill their eyes as they absorb him.

And as I picture this, I speak to them. I don’t know if they can hear me or not. But I know they’re in heaven with the Lord, so I ask them, ” Daddy. Mama. Go to the Lord Jesus. Kneel before Him. Ask Him to heal Luke. Or just touch the hem of His garment and Luke will be healed.”

But I’m somewhat ashamed before the Lord. Speaking to my daddy and mama sounds so much like a prayer to them, and that just can’t be. I want to be reverent. So I confess and wonder again if Daddy and Mama can hear my request.

Then I am suddenly filled with joy. I remember that Daddy and Mama have already gone to the Lord Jesus – many times – in behalf of our little Luke and in behalf of each of our little grandbabies.  As I near the house, I hear their prayers, their tender voices crying out to the Lord for us – their family. I stand on the front porch and look through the kitchen window, gazing on their wrinkled, spotted hands, clasped to each other’s on the kitchen table and clasped in prayer. I see their opened Bibles — on the kitchen table or the sofa table or their bedstand.

And I know that those prayers were powerful and effective, that those prayers offered in faith will make Luke well, and that the Lord will raise Luke up, because those prayers are still going before the Father, in the name of their Lord Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

And I thank God for Daddy and Mama. And I don’t miss them quite as much for now.

Dear Mama,

Dear Mama,

Your birthday was last week. I thought of you, celebrating your birthday in heaven. Happy Birthday, Mama. If you had been here, Larry and Becky and I would have brought a cake to you and celebrated. You would have been 88 years old!  I would have loved to have you here to celebrate. I miss you, Mama.

I looked through your purse the other day, Mama. Read every little note you had written, cherishing your handwriting, the handwriting that we always laughed about together – scratchy!. I browsed through one of your diaries, the one from 2003, wishing we could be back there again, spending time at your Florida house. Every once in awhile, I look in the mirror and catch a glimpse — of you! I haven’t erased your messages on my answering machine, Mama, but I haven’t been able to listen to them, either – for such a long time now. I think I’ll try again in a few days. As much as it hurts, I want to hear your voice again.

I bet you miss me and you feel badly for all I’ve been going through. If you were here, you would have worried so, and I didn’t want you to worry. But oh, how I long to have you hold me in your arms. Now you understand how things are — here — and there — and what’s best. How the Lord  really works things out for good for those of us who love Him. (You really understand Romans 8:28, now, don’t you?)  Speaking of the Word, do you read it there? Do you speak it? Or sing it? Or since Jesus is the Word, does He just totally indwell you? Wow! It’s awesome, Mama. You must love it there. Well, anyway, I’ll bet you really DO miss me – you just don’t miss being here – even though you loved the place — the country, the yellow house, the garden, the land.

Speaking of the yellow house, Mama, it’s almost time for Amber to move in. Isn’t that amazing? Of all the grandchildren, she’s the one who will love it the most — will love living there — will love the country, the yellow house, the garden, and the land. She’s the one who will love watching the deer and the turkeys. Well, anyway, today, Jake and Jesse’s cousin moved most of Amber’s things from the storage unit. I’ve been cleaning and getting things ready. I want to have a cloth on her kitchen table. I think she’ll cry to walk into the house and know it’s hers! She’ll have to live there by herself for awhile; then the kids will join her. What a blessed day that will be! But most awesome will be when Jesse joins her. They’ll be a whole family again!

The yellow house was painted; I was so careful to select just the right yellow, and I think it’s perfect! Then I had Jim put all the spindles on the porch rail – the spindles that have sat in the granary for about 30 years. They’re back on the porch were they belong!

And oh how pretty the new porch light looks! I occasionally leave it on overnight – just so I can look over there and see the light. Reminds me of you — of you expecting someone to drive in. Just to think of the years you left the porch light on, waiting for Larry, or for me, or for Becky! Little did I know then that I would do the same thing with my children, and now, Amber will do the same with her children – right back in your house — the yellow house.

And as much as you loved the yellow house, Mama, I’ll bet you don’t really miss it, either. I’ll bet God has given you a new one in heaven – or prepared it for you to have when he takes us all there together. And I’ll bet that yellow house (the one in heaven) has the open stairway you always wanted — and the summer kitchen with the green and cream colored cook stove. And Daddy shares that yellow house with you! Wow!

Can you see us here Mama? Do you know about our new baby Luke? Mama, please touch the hem of the Lord Jesus’ garment in behalf of little baby Luke. Ask our Lord to heal baby Luke. And ask Him to bless our baby boy still in Lynette’s womb. Two new babies, Mama. Two more to fill the empty spots you and Daddy left.

I’m so happy for you, and I can’t wait to be with you and Daddy there someday. Hug Daddy for me. I miss him so much. Tell him I’ll write him soon.

You’re both with our Savior, Mama. What peace you must finally have! That peace is just about beyond my comprehension. I’m always striving for it here – I write about it sometimes. It’s so difficult to be steadfast, but I keep trying. As much as I look forward to seeing you both, I know the first and foremost joy will be seeing my Savior, Jesus. I can only imagine!

(Click here for the link to I can only imagine . . .)

“I can only imagine what it will be like

when I walk by your side.

No more pain. No walker. No wheelchair. 

I can only imagine what my eyes will see

when your face is before me.

I can only imagine; I can only imagine!

Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel?

What did your heart feel, Mama?

Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of you be still?

I’ll bet your danced, didn’t you, Mama?

Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall?

Will I sing hallelujah, or will I be able to speak at all?

I can only imagine; I can only imagine!

I can only imagine when that day  comes

when I find myself standing in the Son!

I can only imagine when all I will do

is forever, forever worship you!

I can only imagine; I can only imagine!” (Mercy Me)

Some day, Mama, some day.

I’ve thought of you so much today, Mama. I miss you so much. I’ll write again after I listen to your voice again on the answering machine.

With love,

your honey girl.

How does God summon His power?

My kitchen is filled with staples!

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this type of staple in the noun category:

a:a commodity for which the demand is constant

b:something having widespread and constant use or appeal

c: the sustaining or principal element : substance

As I prepare meals, I’m in constant demand for bread, milk, salt, oil. When I’m running low on a staple, I need to add it to my grocery list because it’s difficult, if not impossible, to cook and bake without any one of these sustaining substances.

Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before.

Psalm 68:28

To consider the power of God is amazing!

It’s awesome!

Psalm 68:28 has been a “staple” to me! I’m in constant demand for it; it sustains me; it is my substance! When I recognize my need for God — to heal or to intervene as only He can; when I don’t know what to do; how to pray; or even if God is listening, I pray this verse. It reminds me of amazing, awesome power of God. And at the same time, I am asking God to show me that power.


I wonder how and why He has to summon it! Does He summon forth His Holy Spirit? Does He summon the angels to work?

1) The first part of our Bible Study is to study that power – a) What, how, why, when, or from where, does He summon His power? b) Whatdo we learn in the Bible about God summoning or calling about His power?

2) Next, let’s consider how he shows His strength (“show us your strength, O God, as you have done before). a) What has God done in your life that has shown you His strength? and b) What do we learn in the Bible about God’s strength?

Please post your comments / replies to this post. Add throughout the week. Respond to other’s postings. We’ll conclude this study on Wednesday, January 16. (I’m expecting great things on that day – will share more about that later!)

Let’s study the Word together because . . .

“. . . the righteousness that is by faith says . . . The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart. . . that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming.” (Romans 10:6-8)

Peace – I want it!

Peace. I need peace. I want peace. Life happens. And life is filled with the results of sin. Sin in the world. My sin. And because of it all, things go wrong. It started as the perfect plan. But sin changed it. So it’s not the perfect plan yet – not until the Lord Jesus takes us to be with Him.

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Trust. I need to trust. I want to trust. Trust that God will give me peace if my mind is steadfast, if my mind is stayed on Him (as the Bible promises!).

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

I first learned and memorized this verse in the King James Version of the Bible:

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because He trusteth in Thee.”

My mind — stayed on God. If it is stayed on God, I have perfect peace. Sounds simple!

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Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines steadfast as “firmly fixed in place; immovable”

That’s stayed!

I was recently described as being steadfast!



I want to be steadfast. But I will tell you the truth as I see it. (All my facades and false pretenses were discarded over a year ago!)

When fears come, it’s difficult to keep my mind stayed. It wanders. It travels to the future, a dangerous place to go, to the unknown.

My mind views the script – a loved one dead and buried – in less than a minute.

A terminal illness. A dreaded call in the middle of the night. The most morbid scenarios. That’s where my mind goes.

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“. . . whose mind is stayed . . . because he trusts . . .”

(I read Isaiah 26: 1-3)

He trusts in you, O God. You who make salvation (vs. 1).

Oh, I trust in you, O God. You who make salvation.

You’ve opened the gates. I may enter in. I keep the faith. (vs. 2)

The promise? The God of all grace, who called me to his eternal glory in Christ, after I have suffered a little while, (remember “Life. Things go wrong. It’s not the perfect plan yet”?)  Well, God will himself restore me and make me strong, firm and steadfast! (1 Peter 5:10)


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So, you see, my friend, when you feel you’ve lost that peace,

and you know you want that peace,

just be steadfast – keep your mind stayed on Him.

Ask Him, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)

And He will keep you in perfect peace as your mind is stayed upon Him.

Study the Word: Isaiah 26: 1-3; 1 Peter 5:10; Psalm 51:10

Speak the Word: My mind is steadfast. My peace is perfect! Because I trust in you.


New Year – New Chapter – New Page!








New Chapter!

New Page!

And His mercies are new every morning!

Lamentations 3:23

Have a Blessed New Year!

Hope and a future! 2013 – I will bring you back!

It’s mine.

It’s yours.

Hope and a future in 2013.

God says He will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5b)

2012 was the most difficult year of my life. But He never left me through it all nor did He ever forsake me. The pain was nearly unbearable at times, but His grace was even greater.

In February, our youngest daughter and her husband were arrested. The four days that followed were a blur. So devastating that I don’t remember all the details. Ron and I held each other and dropped to our knees, crying out to God for help. He helped us. I learned to pray unlike I had ever known before. The pleas and praises came from a depth within me that I hadn’t known existed. I prayed without ceasing – quietly, silently, or aloud while walking through the grocery store! Communion with my Lord unintentionally encompassed my every moment during those days. Later, communion with my Lord became intentional.

In March, my daddy died. Yes, he was old. Yes, he had dementia. Yes, it was a blessing. But he was my daddy, and the pain was real and continues to rouse from time to time. I miss snuggling his neck and face. I miss hearing him say, “I love you. Be careful now, honey.”

In April, my mama died. If you’ve lost both parents, you realize how final the passing of the last one is. I’m 10 years old again, and I’m an orphan. The last months, weeks, and days were terrible – she suffered so. Through it all, God was faithful. His grace was so real. But the night after her funeral, after all the family was gone, including the grandchildren who had been my comfort — after the beautiful words were spoken and the songs were sung, I suddenly couldn’t find that grace. I honestly thought I couldn’t go on. I’ve never felt so empty in my entire life. I had no peace. I had no joy. But I remembered that there was a love there that I could feel, if I could just reach it – if I could just find it. So I spoke the only words I could: “I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord.” Over and over I said those words. The peace came. It filled me. The grief remained, but His peace surpassed the grief. I found Him to be faithful in the midst of my greatest grief.

Court dates, pleas, recovery programs, caregiving, taking classes, teaching courses, 50-mile round trips to and from school, doctor and dental appointments, baths and bedtimes, overseeing homework, laundry, cooking, and finally, the sentencing, filled my 2012 days and drained my natural energy, but the Lord was my strength. When I felt I couldn’t go on, I remembered those dear people who were praying for me – I remembered them by name and thanked God for them and prayed for them, in return. I trusted that God would give me the strength He promised, and I told myself that if I did not believe it, it would be an insult to Him, so I believed in that strength.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” (Psalm 94:19)

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Because of the Lord’s work, my prayers have been answered. My daughter and her husband embraced the Savior. Their lives are totally transformed. They now walk with and honor the Lord with their lives. I thank God for answered prayer.

I also thank God for the heritage left me by my daddy and mama. I cherish every memory and envision them together in their “big yellow house” in heaven.

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As the year 2012 came to an end, our tenth grandchild was born – Luke Ryan Greene, our Bringer of Light. God blessed us with him. He was born with heart defects. We trust God for his complete healing. We began to see miracles. His platelets had lowered to 60,000 – then to 54,000. The levels were becoming dangerous. The next day, his platelets were over 100,000! He required oxygen for days. Then suddenly, his oxygen levels became normal, and the oxygen was removed. He went home! He relishes in the environment of his home, with the commotion of his active brother and sisters. He flourishes in the nourishment of his mother’s milk. He gains weight! 1 lb. 3 oz within 2 1/2 weeks! The next cardiologist visit and tests revealed that two defects were healed! We trust and await the continued healing of his heart, for we know that he is fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves little Luke.

This is the first of the miracles I am looking for in 2013 – the complete healing of our precious little Luke!

“Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

Next, I am looking for the miracle of the birth of our eleventh grandchild – healthy little baby boy Waligora, to be born in March!

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you . . .” Jeremiah 1:5

And, in 2013, we will rejoice when our dear three grandchildren who now live with us are reunited with their parents!

 “All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children’s peace.” Isaiah 54:13

What does the Lord have planned in 2013?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. . . I will be found by you . . . I will bring you back . . ” (Jeremiah 29:11-14a)

The Lord said “Call to me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

We have called!

He will show us!

He will bring us back in 2013!

If you have not yet called on the Lord Jesus Christ, accept Him as your Savior! “Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Read about it in the Word. See Romans 10:8-13. the Bible says that if you confess with your mouth (speak it) that Jesus is the Lord and you believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Call, email, or message me. I’d love to hear from you. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life! Plans for hope and a future! A bright future!

No excuses!

I redeemed you . . . I sent Moses to lead you . . . And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

(Micah 6:4, 8)

He doesn’t require a Master’s degree or a Ph.D.; He doesn’t even require a Bachelor’s degree!

Your résumé doesn’t impress Him.

He doesn’t care about beauty or physique, ability or talent.

He doesn’t care if you are disabled.

He doesn’t want or require perfection.

Paul had imperfections — imperfections he didn’t want. (2 Corinthians 12:-8) In fact, he begged the Lord to take those weaknesses from him, but the Lord didn’t. Paul didn’t use the imperfections as an excuse. He diligently persevered, running the race, serving the Lord, preaching the gospel, in spite of persecution and imprisonment. He wrote letters to the churches — epistles that teach us, guide us, direct us — all inspired by God. Paul kept the faith. James D. Smith III writes,

“To keep the faith is to put it mildly. Paul had done so in the face of jailings, floggings, death threats, murder attempts, and the constant anxiety for the churches he founded—not to mention what Paul called his ‘thorn in the flesh’—a chronic and debilitating weakness.”

And I complain about not having enough time to serve the Lord – about not feeling well. I want to let the younger women serve in capacities I once did. I’m tired. I have too much to do. My family needs all of my time.

Are you talented? Gifted? Confident? Beautiful? Perfect?

Or do you often feel insecure? Unable? Depressed? Too busy? Disabled?

Moses was disabled.

And he used it as an excuse not to obey God. God spoke to Him directly! Through the burning bush. God called him by name!

“Moses! Moses!” God said.

(We read about this in Exodus, Chapter 4.)

We might think, If God spoke to me directly, I would serve Him. I would do exactly as He asked.

Really? What has He said directly through His Word? (your burning bush)

“So now, go. I am sending you . . .”

God said.

Moses began his excuses: “Who am I that I should go? . . .Suppose I go . . . and they say,  ‘Who sent you? What is his name?’ What if they do not believe me?”

God answered every question. And God gave Moses a staff and showed Moses the miraculous acts he could perform with the staff! But Moses still was not convinced, nor was he obedient!

So Moses used his trump: his disability. “O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to me. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

Oh, really? (As if God didn’t already know!)

The Lord God said, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will be your mouth and will teach you what to say.”

“Please Lord, send someone else to do it!” (Evidently Moses was thinking about his brother, Aaron.)

Moses’s brother Aaron was a gifted speaker – intelligent, refined.

But God used Moses.

God said He would help both Moses and Aaron speak and He would teach them what to do! God told Moses that he (Moses) would speak to Aaron and put the words in Aaron’s mouth! Then Aaron “will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth, and as if you were God to him!”

Imagine! Moses, the disabled one, is going to be God to Aaron!

Finally, Moses obeyed God and went to do what the Lord sent him to do – to rescue his own people.

I want the power of the Almighty God to be evident in my life! I want people to see God in me! I want God to teach me and let Him be my mouth!

And what does the LORD require of me? Does He require intelligence or degrees? Experience or an impressive résumé? Beauty or physique? Ability or talent? Perfection?

No, He requires me To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him.

If God speaks to you directly, will you obey Him? Will you do exactly as He asks?

Then listen to your burning bush – His Word!

“So now, go. I am sending you . . .”

God says.

And make no excuses! Because your disabilities don’t matter to God.


Exodus 4:1-17

James D. Smith III, pastor of Clairemont Emmanuel Baptist Church and adjunct professor of church history at Bethel Seminary—West, both in San Diego, California, is an adviser for Christian History. Copyright © 1995 by the author or Christianity Today International/Christian History magazine.